Angelfish Minimum Tank Size

Angelfish Minimum Tank Size

Thinking about getting a freshwater angelfish, but you have minimal room? We suggest a minimum tank size of 20 gallons for a single angelfish; however, you probably shouldn’t just keep one. An angelfish tank takes …
Do Angelfish Eat Other Fish?

Do Angelfish Eat Other Fish?

Yes, angelfish eat other fish. Pterophyllum scalare (freshwater angelfish) will exhibit aggressive behavior because, as cichlids, it’s in their nature. However, these are one of the more peaceful cichlids and can be part of a …
Are Angelfish Hardy?

Are Angelfish Hardy?

Hardy fish can survive in a wide range of conditions – making them great for beginner fishkeepers. A favorite species from South America is the freshwater Angelfish. Are Angelfish considered to be hardy? Is this …
Angelfish and Guppies

Angelfish and Guppies

When searching for fish compatible with guppies, you may find that freshwater angelfish are often suggested. However, you may wonder, “Can you put guppies and angelfish together safely?” or “Will angelfish eat guppies?” Figuring out …
Angelfish Fin Rot – Treatment Guide

Angelfish Fin Rot – Treatment Guide

Angelfish are often the centerpiece of their aquarium. As a fishkeeper, you will encounter many common diseases, including fin rot, which you should know how to identify and treat effectively.  What is Angelfish fin rot, …
Angelfish Tank Mates

Angelfish Tank Mates

Freshwater angelfish are colorful, peaceful fish that are hardy and easy to keep. These fish are also excellent additions to a community tank and look beautiful in a group. However, to avoid aggression, stress, or …
Sexing Angelfish

Sexing Angelfish – Male or Female?

Figuring out how to tell the sex of an angelfish is notoriously tricky. Only when you observe male and female angelfish very carefully can you tell the difference between them. You may wonder, why is …