Are Angelfish Aggressive

Are Angelfish Aggressive?

When choosing fish for an aquarium, it’s always important to consider the species’ aggression level. Aggressive aquarium fish can cause injuries and stress to other fish, making the community tank an unhappy place. Keepers who …
Tank Mates for Jaguar Cichlids - CichlidGuide.com

Jaguar Cichlid Tank Mates

The jaguar cichlid is striking due to its silver and black color pattern and large size. Its energetic personality also makes it a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts. However, this fish tends to be very …
Anglefish not eat title

Why Is My Angelfish Not Eating?

Has your angelfish been refusing to eat? Freshwater angelfish are some of the most popular aquarium fish however sometimes stop eating for no apparent reason. For fish keepers, this can be an incredibly stressful situation. …
Angelfish title image

Freshwater Angelfish Care Guide

Have you fallen in love with the beautiful colors and unique shape of the freshwater angelfish? These fish are often prized for their attractive appearance and endearing and fascinating personalities. In addition, these striking fish …
Lemon Jake Cichlid Guide

Lemon Jake Cichlid Guide

For those aquarium enthusiasts who want to add some color and personality to their tank, the lemon jake cichlid, which is sometimes incorrectly referred to as the lemon jack cichlid, is an excellent choice. These …

Peacock Cichlid Tank Mates

African peacock cichlids are not only one of the most brightly colored and beautiful members of the cichlid family, but they are also regarded as one of the more friendly and peaceful. Have you become …
Best Discus Food

Best Discus Food

With the plethora of Discus food products available today, it can be hard to determine what will be best for your pets. Contained below is a general overview of food types as well as a …
Rare Cichlids

Rare Cichlids

There are many Cichlids available that offer a variety of colors and shapes. Still, you may be wondering if there are rare Cichlids on the market that you can purchase? Are there particular species that …